Running Mutalyzer

Please make sure Mutalyzer can find its configuration file, as detailed in Configuration.

Mutalyzer comes with a number of different interfaces, of which the website is perhaps the main one. It can be started using a built-in test server that’s useful for development and debugging purposes like this:

$ mutalyzer-website
 * Running on

You can now point your webbrowser to the URL that is printed and see the welcoming Mutalyzer homepage.

Likewise, the SOAP and HTTP/RPC+JSON webservices can be started with the mutalyzer-service-json and mutalyzer-service-soap commands, respectively.

For processing batch jobs, the batch processor must be running. This process can be started from the command line and will keep running until it is stopped by pressing Ctrl+C:

$ mutalyzer-batch-processor
^Cmutalyzer-batch-processor: Hitting Ctrl+C again will terminate any running job!
mutalyzer-batch-processor: Graceful shutdown

The built-in test servers won’t get you far in production, though, and there are many other possibilities for deploying Mutalyzer using WSGI. This topic is discussed in Deploying Mutalyzer in production.