
Unit tests

We use pytest for the unit tests. To run them, just type py.test from the Mutalyzer source directory.


The Mutalyzer package must be installed before running the unit tests.

By default, the tests use an in-memory SQLite database. This can be customized with the --database-uri command line argument and a valid SQLAlchemy connection URI (obviously, the contents of this database will be lost). For example, to use an SQLite database on the filesystem:

$ py.test --database-uri sqlite:////tmp/mutalyzer.sql

Or, using pg_virtualenv (included with the Debian PostgreSQL packages), to run the tests with PostgreSQL:

$ pg_virtualenv bash -c 'py.test --database-uri postgres://${PGUSER}:${PGPASSWORD}@${PGHOST}:${PGPORT}/${PGDATABASE}'

Multiple --database-uri arguments are allowed. Tests using the database will be run once for every database specified.

Similarly, --redis-uri (only one allowed) specifies a Redis server to use for testing. If unspecified, a mock Redis server is used.

Tests are run automatically on Travis CI with SQLite, PostgreSQL, and MySQL, for each pull request and push on GitHub.

Testing the web services

To ease testing the web services during development, some simple web service client scripts are included in the Mutalyzer source tree:

$ cd extras/soap-tools
$ ./info.py
Version: 2.0.31
Version parts: 2, 0, 31
Release date: 21 August 2019
Nomenclature version: 2.0
Nomenclature version parts: 2, 0
Server name: res-muta-app01
Contact e-mail: info@mutalyzer.nl

They simply call one of the web service functions and print the result. You may have to change the server location defined at the top of these scripts.


One of the scripts, run_batch_job.py, provides an easy way to run a batch job from the command line. Some additional notes are available for running this on a Windows machine.